How to be respected as a teenage girl
Aella’s writing about How to be respected as a teenage girl.
as a girl, like a young girl, maybe you get the impression that boys are cool in a way girls aren’t. people praise and laugh at boys for doing high risk things. boys do all the good thinking and flying planes and action movies. and they put women in action movies too but it doesn’t reflect life around you - the women you know are moms and shy and weak. you can feel the weakness emanating off of them. they do have passive endurance, of lifestyle martyrdom, of quietly putting up with so much. that’s a type of strength, they say.
women should be loved, but men should be respected.
I feel like this article does a fantastic job capturing a state of mind that I can deeply believe some people fall into, that I can really understand and empathise with. I’m glad she’s doing better. It is well written. Check it out.